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Hot Listings / General Listings / Looking For Something Specific / Guaranteed Home Purchase Plan

Take all the stress out of your next move. Know that your home is sold before you even get started, using Mike Gibson's Guaranteed Home Purchase Program.

 The Real Estate Catch 22:

There is always a conundrum when looking at moving in Real Estate. Very few of us have the ability to own two properties. Quite often the process of selling one home to buy a new one, starts with looking for the new one. The ideal house is found, you make the decision to market your existing house, only to find the house you wanted to buy is now sold.

 Here's How Mike's Program Works:

Right from the start you know exactly the minimum amount you are going to get from the sale of your property. This enables you to go out and start shopping with Mike Gibson and Associates to find your new home.

 Other Benefits:

Knowing that your home is sold right from the start of the listing enables you to take advantage of those great deals that come to the market and are sold the next day.

Talk to us today to find out whether your house will qualify.

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Hot Listings / General Listings / Looking For Something Specific / Guaranteed Home Purchase Plan